Category: Change

Heartstrings and swings!

“School shooting in Texas” is four words to stop you, frozen at the moment, and your heartstrings are pulled. The number of injuries, loss of life, the individual or individuals involved in the shooting makes no difference. It is the four words no mother, father, grandparent, or educator wants to hear ever. Then the media … Continue reading Heartstrings and swings!

Acceptance brings peace

Change is always happening! The pandemic ushered in several shifts in our lives and education! It is when we can accept things we cannot change we can continue to move forward. There are things we can change and with these we follow our core values. Identify the ‘what”, the “how” will follow. We cannot make … Continue reading Acceptance brings peace

What Matters Most?

As a leader, especially during this time, the importance of “what we do,” “how we do it,” and “why we do it” are critical questions to ask. We have asked them before, but how does it help us to answer the biggest question of all? What matters most? “Mother Norman, I am so sorry for … Continue reading What Matters Most?

Words are real, Yolo

English Words That Changed Meanings over Time By BERNADINE RACOMA 15 JUNE 2018 A great look at a few words and how they have changed. The English language is rich. The history of the language is fascinating to learn and understand. Historians and philosophers are protective in shielding changes to the words and meanings. … Continue reading Words are real, Yolo


“Life is not always what one wants it to be. A turn right instead of the left can make a difference on the path you choose. It is when you decide to make the best of it, as it is, even when the choices are not what you want to hear. Instead, you take each … Continue reading Acceptance