Tag: #Teachers

We Can with Two Rules Wednesday-17

Let’s Talk Everyone has a device of some kind these days. It has become a ubiquitous sight in our modern world. If you look around, you'll notice that almost no one is engaged in face-to-face conversations anymore. Instead, people are engrossed in their devices, gazing intently into screens or chatting away feverishly. It's astonishing to … Continue reading We Can with Two Rules Wednesday-17

Monday Happiness

“Happiness is something that multiplies when it is divided.” ~Paulo Coelho What is your definition of happiness? Take a moment to reflect on this question before we dive into the topic at hand. Happiness is a complex concept, one that varies from person to person. It encompasses positive emotions, life satisfaction, and a sense of … Continue reading Monday Happiness

GEN-C – Maximize your child’s early learning for lifelong success

Cara Tyrrell, M.Ed is a Vermont based Early Childhood Educator, Collaborative Parenting Coach, and the founder of Core4Parenting. She is the passionate mastermind behind the Collaborative Parenting Methodology(™), a birth-to-five, soul and science based framework that empowers parents to maximize their child’s early learning while raising fantastic human beings who succeed in school and life. While … Continue reading GEN-C – Maximize your child’s early learning for lifelong success

We Can with Two Rules Wednesday-16

Reflection time-Emotional Regulation This is an important part of Two Rule Schools. What do we know about Self Regulation and Relational Contagion? In the realm of education, assessment is often thought of as a means of evaluating students' academic progress and understanding. However, there is a deeper and more profound form of assessment that goes … Continue reading We Can with Two Rules Wednesday-16

We Can Wednesday with Two Rules-15

The Two Rules philosophy serves as a powerful reminder that the welfare of students is at the core of a school's culture. By fostering an environment of respect, empathy, and support, educators can create transformative experiences for students and their families. Through this philosophy and during my implementation, I demonstrated the profound impact that relationships … Continue reading We Can Wednesday with Two Rules-15

Pass it On-today and tomorrow

In the vast sea of humanity, our individual actions may seem small and insignificant. Yet, let us never underestimate the power they hold. For it is through one act, one choice, and one person that ripples are formed, carrying their impact far beyond what we can imagine. Imagine a world where Ruth Emmanuel, a dedicated … Continue reading Pass it On-today and tomorrow

We Can With Two Rules-Wednesday 14

An article in Education Week, provides a look at teacher biases and school culture in shaping discipline. Research has consistently shown that racial disparities exist in school discipline, with Black and Latino students facing harsher and more frequent disciplinary actions compared to their white counterparts. A study published in December 2022 shed light on the … Continue reading We Can With Two Rules-Wednesday 14

Mental Healthcare for Schools

The current Biden administration has announced that they have three initiatives to help support the National Mental Healthcare Crisis facing our youth today. These initiatives are undoubtedly crucial steps in the right direction, as they recognize the urgent need for support. However, it is important to acknowledge that they alone will not completely resolve all … Continue reading Mental Healthcare for Schools

We Can with Two Rules Wednesday 13

Two Rules is the foundation of building more than feeling good and safe. The Two Rules philosophy is a promise to students that their welfare is the center of a school’s culture: Everyone will feel good in this school and everyone will feel safe in this school. It is also a request that students work … Continue reading We Can with Two Rules Wednesday 13