What are you growing?

I posted my weekly plan yesterday; I mentioned doing a quick write with staff to discover words they wanted to focus on in a common language or as a focus. You can also do this in a small group, in a classroom and as an individual. What are the first things to come to mind?

When we think about our days and how we spend them, what does it tell us? My husband and I were talking about our thoughts on the farmland around our home. We have some changes that may be happening, and we saw they were doing some testing. He paused as he tried to find the right words. We are getting older each day; I have a brain injury, and also I said, “are we feeding our knowledge enough each day?”

Filling up your environment with rich vocabulary, reading, speaking, and listening helps to feed your language, as well as knowledge. Listening to the same telvision news over and over is not considered feeding your knowledge. We must look, listen, read, experience, and, my favorite thing of all……ask questions!

So my Monday Morning questions for you today are:

  • What are you growing?
  • How are you growing?
  • Why is it important to grow in the area you have selected?
  • Do you need to grow in other areas?
  • How do you know when you need to grow?

Do you try new things? Have you ever gone to a restaurant alone? Have you ever shared fears with others? There are many ways we can grow as individuals, help others grow, and grow together as a team or community.

Another theme I have used for a school year is: Planting seeds to Achieve! I started the year with packets of different seeds for the staff in little baskets with gardening gloves and other items. If this is something, you would like to explore as a theme, email me or leave a comment for me to connect with you. I do not charge for helping you find ways to support those you serve. I am always happy to help.

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