Farmers help us grow leaders!

“One’s philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

I did not become a teacher until I was 30 years old. Isn’t it too late to start a different career at that age? When is it time to stop growing? Can you think of anything that stops growing? The only time growth stops….when life stops.

We can choose not to grow. It is all in the choices we make that determine who we are and what we do. This is an essential lesson for all to learn. Growth does not just happen. You have to establish a plan, strategies, and goals.

Let’s begin by thinking like a farmer! Do you think they plant their seeds and hope they grow? No! Lots of work, analysis, and care are involved in the growth. The same is applied to the growth developed of all.

Growth Plan

Seeds you plant!

  • Determine the focus of what you want to grow.
  • Study great leaders and their qualities, skills, and strategies.
  • Evaluate what you need to grow.
  • Pick a few to begin and plant!

Prepare the ground

  • Develop your goals to accomplish.
  • Work out a schedule to set aside time.
  • Dig into your core values.
  • Plow into your beliefs and practices.
  • Cultivate a vision statement of your own.
  • Prepare and go!

Enrich and feed the soil (soul)

  • A great addition is a coach or mentor to help provide additional support.
  • Assess your personality, beliefs, values, and practices. What do you need to feed or weed?
  • Practice reflection, seeking inspiration and motivation to provide to others.
  • Read, watch, find resources, and keep learning!
  • Get plenty of rest, nutrition, exercise and grow!

Harvest time

  • Gather information on the success of the skills gained.
  • Ask questions about the improvements made.
  • What else is needed?
  • Measure the depths of the impact.
  • Reflect, renew and rejoice in the growth!

When leaders are focused on growth and development, everyone is engaged in making the steps together to create change overall. As we get better, everyone will as well.

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