To sum it Up + to equal= growth

How old are you?

One of the subjects I have always hated is math. However, we use math all of the time in everything we do. If you look at the graph above, what information does it give you? What kind of data do you have? What do you do with your data? Let’s sum up data!

In every aspect of improvement, we find strategies in learning or tips to use and approaches to development. Math is utilized in numbering the steps to take, calculating performance, analyzing graphs, and so much more. Mathematics supports collecting data as we review, add, subtract, divide until we discover the growth in summing up our success. Formulas are developed to calculate the measurements to close gaps, support growth, and help to identify areas to focus on.

Numbers and percentages are essential keys in helping us unlock the doors to knowledge. If we pose the questions we need to answer; the answers often include a mathematical equation. Let’s try by asking some critical questions. If you do not know the right questions to ask, then getting the correct answers will not solve the issues you face.

*Currently, we have 75 staff members working for our team. How many have received the Covid-19 vaccination? Then this leaves the remaining staff unvaccinated and will not continue to work due to the mandates.

Your data will not speak if you do not ask the right questions to analyze. The question I just posed was a question in my subcommittee of a board I sit on. I have changed the numbers, but the question is genuine. We needed to know how many employees would not be working if the mandate did away with the option of testing each week. Just like other organizations, businesses, and schools, we are already short staff. If the number of people currently not vaccinated did not return to work, we would face closing programming possibly.

The point in gathering data is to do something with it! Action steps need to be formed to solve an issue, and it is utilized to guide solutions. To find the answer to our question asked, we take the current number of employees (75) subtract from this number (15), indicating the number of unvaccinated staff. Our work is not done yet. Then we dig deeper by breaking it down to departments, programs and look at the percentages of those being served who are affected by the reduction of staff. As you continue to focus and narrow to target your solution, action steps are developed.

Ask the right Questions

  • What do you need to know?
  • How will you ask the question?
  • Who is involved?
  • What data needs to be collected?
  • How will it be collected?
  • Most importantly, how will you disseminate findings?

Answers = Solutions

  • The right questions result in correct answers, =solutions
  • Collecting the correct data, narrowing to a targeted area, making action steps= solutions
  • Action steps, accountability, and continued evalution=solutions

To sum it up for us, add to your practice asking the right questions! Subtract from your formula anything that is not providing you with information not needed. Multiply your efforts in narrowing your focus to get the targeted results you desire. Divide the responsibility in working to solve the issues you face. Following these guidelines will equal positive impact and outcomes as we take action!

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