Friday Focus-Power of Choice

James Clear tells us in his book Atomic Habits, “every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.”

Craig Groeschel has authored the book The Power to Change and “reveals that it’s time to actually change by learning to master the habits that matter the most.”

Andy Andrews has authored many books I cherish! However, there is one short book I came across while vacationing a few years back. I was in a little shop on my trip to Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. The title of the book was How do you kill eleven million people? I am a fan of his writing and had to read this book. What an amazing thought provoking book it is.

Andy Andrews believes that good answers come from asking good questions. Reminds me of a new friend of mind Dr. Keith J McNally, “The Question Guy.”

Andrews poses the provocative question, “How do you kill eleven million people?”—the number of people killed by the Nazi German regime between 1933 and 1945. He also explores a number of other questions relevant to our lives today, even though the book was published several years ago. This short book will give you things to focus on in your thoughts as you reflect on the timeframes from 1933-to our current situations. Pose some questions yourself as you read through things and discover your thoughts.

I highly recommend all three of the books I mentioned, but especially Andy Andrews. The Thrift bookstore is one of my favorite places to purchase books if you do not want to purchase a new edition. I love holding a book, having a highlighter and a notepad to take down notes. Many ideas, questions, thoughts and ideas come to me as I read. Some of the questions that may be generated are:

How are we supposed to tell the difference between the “good guys” and the “bad guys”?

How do truth and lies in the past affect our destiny as a nation?

What happens to a society in which truth is absent?

What happens when people choose to not vote?

How do we know our habits are good or bad?

What can we do to prevent history from repeating itself?

I always can relate back to my Two Rules-

1.) Everyone will feel good.

2.) Everyone will feel safe.

When we establish these concepts at an early age, reinforcement throughout the journey in education, and develop a system of support (SOS), we are sowing many seeds. Just like a garden, we plant the seeds we want to grow and reap the harvest at a later time. Society is a reflection of the gardens we plant and we are reaping what we sowed.

We must take actions to prevent, protect and provide a more purposeful system to ensure all of the needs of our children are meet to provide the future generations with opportunities for continued growth and success. Foundational skills, emotional wellness, resilience, responsibility and all of the skills needed in the Two Rules Philosophy.

This is a picture of my parents garden we had placed on their headstone to mark their graves. Many memories, friendships and meals were shared with this garden. Stories of hard work, giving to others and learning how to be thankful for all we receive from the seeds we plant. I can remember taking this picture. I can remember so many things when I look at the garden.

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