Make Monday’s Matter!


The weekend is over! Tomorrow is Monday! Oh boy, here we go.

Monday seems to get a negative vibe without even giving it a chance sometimes. Each day is a gift in itself if we shift our minds into thinking things differently!

In my career, I have always mixed up the days by calling them something different to change the tones. I did this as a Teaching Assistant and through my various positions in education.

Each day brings to each of use different challenges, choices, experiences, hope, rewards and sometimes hardships. It is in those areas we grasp our need to reach out for support to help us.

Solutions to our situations may not always be a quick answer, but a moment of encouragement can free the mind to have a sliver of hope needed to move to the next hurdle.

Life is not easy and unfortunately, our children are seeing those times right now. We have to all agree the pandemic has touched every life! Lives have been changed at different levels.

It is up to us to begin today to always make Monday matter and each day after that. Positive, optimistic, and supportive confirmation to those we serve will provide them with the push needed to face those barriers in front of them.

I will continue to share more ideas for themes you can use, but if you need help, please reach out to me. I am happy to help any of you make a difference in the lives of those you serve. Blessings to all on a meaningful Monday!


Wednesday Wisdom @ASCD