Tag: #Thursday

Unveiling the Essence of Effective Leadership-Summer Sun Shines Solutions

Leadership, an enigmatic concept that has captivated human beings for centuries, continues to be a subject of intrigue and exploration. Countless books, studies, and theories have attempted to decipher the character elements that define effective leadership. Yet, with each passing year, new questions arise, signaling an unending quest for solutions and answers. The eternal search … Continue reading Unveiling the Essence of Effective Leadership-Summer Sun Shines Solutions

Student and Teacher Motivation-Different?

Please take a look at the information gathered by EdWeek as they share it in chart form for easy comparison. Survey data show significant differences in student and teacher motivation. — Read on http://www.edweek.org/leadership/student-and-teacher-motivation-in-charts/2023/02 Motivation seems to be a driving force for teaching and learning. We have lots of data and information to share about … Continue reading Student and Teacher Motivation-Different?

Meet the 5 Teachers Being Considered for National Teacher of the Year

From P.E. to culturally responsive teaching, the finalists all find ways to connect to their students. — Read on http://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/meet-the-5-teachers-being-considered-for-national-teacher-of-the-year/2023/01 I want to say I am so excited about the work all of these teachers are doing and I would have a difficult time selecting just one. This is teaching! We need more and more … Continue reading Meet the 5 Teachers Being Considered for National Teacher of the Year

Thursday Thought Leadership- 1-19-23

At the start of every year, I go through all of my medical appointments to check on my health. My life journey has provided me with many opportunities to experience challenges to overcome. While talking with my neurologists, we discussed work. I am thankful to all of those who are part of my medical team … Continue reading Thursday Thought Leadership- 1-19-23

Terrifying Thoughts-Do you have them?

As a child, I can remember having horrible nightmares. Thank goodness they were just dreams, and I could be comforted to realize I was safe. When others have these terrifying moments in life, who helps to comfort them? There are many things in life today that can cause us to feel overwhelmed, frightened, nervous, and … Continue reading Terrifying Thoughts-Do you have them?

Thursday Thoughts for Leadership

In a blog post last week, I asked if we hold onto things. We were approaching a new year, and people tended to make resolutions, clean out closets and make changes. As leaders, especially in education, are we holding on to things we need to let go of to move forward? On Tuesday, January 3rd, … Continue reading Thursday Thoughts for Leadership