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Choose Possibility

It is always exciting to me to begin a new book. I read something every day. I started reading The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander.

As I began the journey with them, it did not take long to identify the pages were full of thoughts, perspectives, and words engaging with passion for orchestrating a deeper look sure to inspire!

In the first few pages, the thought that circumstances in our life that seem to prevent us from doing things in our daily life may only appear to stop us based on our assumptions. “Draw a different frame around the same set of circumstances, and new pathways come into view. Find the right framework and extraordinary accomplishments becomes an everyday experience.”-The Art of Possibility

This book provides different approaches and practices to help all of us bring the possibility to life. The authors share the famous dot puzzle. Try it out for yourself. The puzzle asks you to join all nine dots with four straight lines, without taking pen or pencil from the paper.

So the greatest lesson of the nine-dot problem is to “think outside the box”. When it comes to truly creative problem solving there is no box.

The solution is in this short video clip.

“More often than not in history is a record of conflict between an Us and a Them. We see this pattern expressed across a broad spectrum: nation to nation, among political parties, between labor and management, and in the most intimate realms of our lives. What framework will transform us AND those whose claims on resources, territory, and the “truth” are irreconcilable with ours? What can we invent that will take us from an entrenched posture of hostility to one of enthusiasm and deep regard?”

It is time to move into togetherness and begin to tell the We story. Working together in the way a family does to reveal a story to tell. All of the doubts, fears, struggles and competition disappear to reveal the courage needed to join individuals together to start the practice of we.

What do we want to do? How can we make a positive impact on the lives of others today? We need to have a solution-focused view with a mindset of being the solution daily. We can achieve many things together as WE have a story to tell.

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