Shades of Color

Do you see color?

As we look at our world, we have the ability to see so many colors. I know a few people who cannot see but utilize other senses to “see” the world in the most beautiful way. Natalie is one of those individuals who showed me early in my life how the world’s beauty should never be taken for granted.

With all of these beautiful colors, do you have a favorite? I love the color green, but I like a particular shade. Some would call the color I like mint green.

Colors come in different hues, saturation, and lightness. Additionally, these combinations provide different shades and tones to select. When you have so many to choose from, it is so hard to decide.

Now there is the achromatic color gray. Achromatic is a color without color because it is composed of black and white. I can remember hearing, “It is right there in black and white; there is no gray area.” I interpret this message as it is decided, and you have no wiggle room.

As I started my blog post, I am sure the first thought that crossed the minds of many was not the color wheel, but the racial divide created daily. I am looking for gray, a neutral color. Knowledge and understanding of the differences of color help all of us appreciate the depth of the beauty they hold.

While some can see, others can’t see, and some may not see color the same as others. The fabric of the world we live in as we take the time to understand it all. Check your color blindness with the help of YouTube. My nephew is colorblind, so he does not see color as others do. When will we all learn to look at the beauty in all we “see” no matter the lens we use to see.

Thank you for being part of the solution daily as we color our world with the brightest colors of our smiles. Shine bright.

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